I wanted to do a high pipe bike and cross over one of the exhausts through the spot where the battery and electrics used to go. I was originally building this bike for myself. I sourced the Benelli gas tank (before they were a hot item and everyone wanted one) and mocked the bike up. Then it sat like that for a while as I worked on customer bikes. A while later a customer flew in from out of town and was interested in commissioning a full bike build. He really dug the CL, and since I had kinda lost interest in the build, I agreed to sell. So, the deal was made and I finished the project to his specifications. Actually I had to persuade him to change the body color, he wanted it to be another bike with a red frame and silver bodywork! For the exhaust I used the factory CL header pipes then custom ran the rest out of "J" and "U" bends and straight pipe. I custom fabricated heat shields and tipped them of with some vintage MC mufflers from the 1970's. I also ceramic coated the pipes black and chromed all the heat shields. Of course, we also did all the typical Lossa stuff, de-tab, drilled and screen front brake hub for better cooling, relocate battery, hooped the sub-frame, all modern bearings and electrics. We also upgraded the charging system since the factory unit doesn't work worth a shit. Finally, we installed a set of our new rearsets and a set of Mikuni carbs to wake her up.